Monday, September 16, 2013

Favorite Lookbookers (part 5)


We won't be looking at 4 today, we'll be looking at 2.
First off, yes, I realize I haven't done one of these in a bit, and that's because I have had a shortage of lookbookers to features.
Okay, that's a lie, I COULD feature many lookbookers but I have this thing where I like to get their permission before I feature them.
If this goes on, I might break this rule.


Katarina Lilius

This blogger is a wonderful edition to this post, with her edgy yet boho-ee yet rocker style encapsulates the ever changing styles of this year. She's a kind of chameleon, vintage and adorable, fresh and fierce (that's right, fierce) and I can't wait to see more.
Katarina is young for her style, much like others I know, and she's certainly an inspiration for me and, i'm sure, many others. Her blog is as lovely as she is, and if I were you, I'd make her blog one of my weekly reads.

Katarina's Links: 

Flortentin Glemarec

This boy is as beautiful as his name, and his style speaks to many. This Parisian models style varies between light and dark, serious and sassy, eclectic yet trendy. Florentin caught my eye not too long ago, and I'v found myself getting excited when I see he's put up a new look, like many others should be. If I were a boy (Yes, that is a Beyonce reference) he would be a large inspiration for my style. You can find his new looks not only on lookbook, but on Tumblr as well. 

Florentin's Links:

Alright, yes, before you say anything the shortage of people was not because they rejected my blog feature like a cold evil human being (just kidding) they just didn't get back to me in time.
Also, if I'd say so myself, both these people make up for four lookbookers. 

Thanks for reading, and more to come!

Love, Lizzie

(Also, side note, if you're a lookbooker and you'll think I'll enjoy your styles *or if you don't i'm pretty sure i'm gonna love it either way* comment your link down below :) or your blog ^^ it doesn't matter if it's fashion, beauty travel, or just a little life journal, I'd love to see it!) 


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